Thursday 27 February 2014

Peanut Butter Cup Stuffed Oreo's

This was the first time I ever made these, and they were soooo easy and tasted amazing!!

All you need is,
  • 16 double stuff Oreo's
  • 8 Reeces peanut butter cups
  • 200g Cadbury milk chocolate melts
  • Hundreds and Thousands or any other type of topping

First separate the Oreo biscuits into halves, and keep only the cream sides.

Secondly sandwich the Oreo's and peanut butter cups with all 8.

Then melt the chocolate melts in a heatproof bowl in a microwave in 30 second intervals stirring as you check it until all is melted.

Once the chocolate is melted, carefully dunk the Peanut Butter Cup Stuffed Oreo's into the chocolate making sure all is covered.

Place on a plate, sprinkle with topping of your choice and put in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.


Along with ALOT of food porn, I aim for this blog to help a lot of not so confident people in the kitchen to be the best they can be.

I am no chef, nutritionist, fancy cook I am just a plain Jane, day to day girl that enjoys the kitchen more then getting 'crunk' on a Friday night.

I will and defiantly do make plenty of mistakes and have had quite a few disasters in the kitchen, I can promise you that. But what's life without a few mistakes, or some curveballs thrown your way?

My goal is to make this a fun way for all of us not so experienced food lovers to make some "master chef" meals, desserts, snacks, you name it, it will be attempted.

Along with some recipes and photos of my attempted and succeeded foods and my not so successful ones, I will also have some beauty tips (what's a girls blog without some beauty thrown in there) but not your usual beauty products will be used. I will be trying and reviewing natural beauty remedies that are easily found in your kitchen.

Chao for now XOXO